The official dates on which we can verify that Ruffles, playing the part of Trig #1, was photographed are 4/18/08 - 5/4/08. I am not sure of the exact date of this photo. Maybe one of you can enlighten me, but I do know that it is a crop of a larger shot of Ruffles being held by his pseudo-parents, probably in SP's Anchorage office on 4/23/08. As far as we know, Ruffles has not been photographed since he was taken to a baby shower hosted by Kristan Cole on Sunday, May 4th, 2008. You can read more about Kristan Cole at Barb Dwyer's excellent, but apparently defunct, blog named Terminal Hypocrisy.
The legendary stage prop often referred to as Trig #2 or Round Ear made a grand entrance at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday, September 3, 2008. Sarah Palin had been selected as the VP nominee on 8/29-08. In that brief Friday to Wednesday time period, Round Ear may or may not have appeared in photos. I am not certain, and once again, maybe one of you has more detailed information; however, this may be of little consequence anyway. The real questions concern whatever happened to these two babies between 5/4/08 and 8/29/08. If you examine The Ultimate Babygate Timeline, you will notice that there are very few entries of any sort during this approximate four-month time period. There are none at all during the month of July. In other words, we have very little evidence to verify exactly when the baby switch took place. Did both of them coexist in the Palin household during that summer? Was there a time gap in which there was no baby in that household?
Some have speculated that Ruffles reappeared on the book tour as Batwing. Although I think that is possible, it is not likely, but let's examine that scenario for a moment. What if Ruffles grew into Batwing and he rode one bus of the tour and Round Ear rode the other? Well, if nothing else, I think that plan would have made Sarah happy! She could have flown over her peasants without having to deal with a baby except for those brief periods on the buses. There is at least one photo in which Trig's batwing ears seem clearly different than those of Round Ear, but if you blow up that shot, the one near Christmas when Trig is wearing red with a black stripe on his sleeve and being held by Sarah, also in red, you will see that Trig's hearing aid and glasses are the source of the distortion of his left ear. This photo is just Round Ear as usual, except for once, he is properly attired with glasses and hearing aid.
There is another shot of Trig in green in which the batwing ear is even more prevalent, and many have commented on that Trig's vivaciousness, as evidenced in a video clip from the book tour. Maybe his meds had simply worn off? That would be my first guess, since I was telling my wife that I thought Trig had been drugged, even at the GOP convention. Many later photos convinced me even further that the baby was being drugged for most of his public appearances just to make him keep quiet and behave. I am not totally convinced that a separate Batwing Trig does not exist, but I have been mostly skeptical. At this point anyway, I think there is a stronger likelihood of Ruffles and Round Ear being blood related than there is of three Trigs. From looking at the poll above, most of you seem to agree that two unrelated Trigs are the most likely scenario, but the existence of Batwing still garners a lot of votes!
I must end this post on the sad note that you knew was coming. Is Ruffles still alive? Are the Palins pulling a Jane Eyre or The Shuttered Room? Is that one of the reasons they needed to expand the compound, so they would have a home layout that would allow them to conceal the existence of Ruffles indefinitely? Did they place him in an institution during that fateful summer of '08? Did they keep him around until CBJ could produce the right replacement, and then dispose of him in whatever manner you may dread imagining? I do not have a clue how to answer these despicable, disgusting questions. Look at the bright side: Ruffles may be happily living his life with someone who truly loves him. Unless we can find a way to blow open this household of fraudulent behaviors, we may never know. The best thing I can say at this point is that the witch has her panties in a knot and her boobs are exploding over the simple fact that a new neighbor might overhear three hungry babies crying at once!