There are several appropriate meanings that can be attributed to this title. One is that the secret will not be revealed today, no matter how many of us wish it otherwise. You may recognize this cat face as the logo on the back of a book. His name is Murray Slaughter, but we call him The Face because he looks just like Morris on a B&W TV. Murray rarely says anything. He is a very quiet kitty who minds his own business among our nine cats. Mum has always been the word with Murray.
Another meaning for this phrase applies to the many things that are about to happen on our television sets. Most of these things will offer little more than entertainment mixed with frustration. There are many powerful people out there in Cableland who want to make certain that the secret stays confined to only a tiny faction of the citizenry. There will be endless discussions of little consequence, while the only matter that really matters will be left ensconced in the silence. Lots of money will be made and many voices will be screaming for constant attention, but the secret will remain buried deeply in a sound of silence.
There is yet a third meaning for this phrase, one that I have mentioned often, no matter how few have listened. The sound of silence goes all the way to the top, or the bottom, depending on the way you choose to look at it. I think the more accurate secret is that it goes to the bottom of the media barrel. Although I began ranting that it began at the top a couple of years ago, most of you ignored my attempts to open your eyes. Lately however, I think most of you have come around to the strong possibility that the ominous source really is at the top. Now it is time for you to realize how deeply the secret is embedded at the lowest level.
A movie premiered recently, but it will not explain the secret. Two books have been released today that will also not explain the secret. You all are anxiously awaiting the release of a book that I also doubt will explain the secret, although it is likely to detail the low hanging fruit of the subject. You are all expecting a lot more from that book than you are going to see, particularly from a distribution and sales standpoint. Of course there will be a rabid level of preaching to the choir and every opportunity to utilize phrases such as investigative journalism, in-depth research, and proven facts will be displayed. That is not to say that that book will reveal much of anything we don't already know, and few who do not already know will actually give a rat's ass. The problem with that publication will be that it will only give you what you want, not what you need. You will revel in reading the very story you are so absolutely sure that you already know, but few outside the cults will care. Why will they not care? Simply because Cableland does not want them to care, and Cableland is God in this land of relentless greed, celebrity, and instant gratification. Cableland actually cares a lot about only one thing, that the masses of viewers and voters never learn the truth of Babygate.
There is only one book that tells you the whole truth, and it is yet another version of the best kept secret. This book was written not only for you Babygators, but for any and all Americans who are ready to open their eyes to the breadth of the madness. Do you want to slap-fight over the tacky details of bad behavior in a celebrity's past, or do you want to learn how our country got into this mess and how we can get out of it? Have you not yet figured out for yourself that even the lowest of the power-bloggers in this arena do not want you to read the information contained in this book? Cableland is not waiting for us to do their jobs for them for free. Cableland is waiting for us to give up and go away so the most important truth of all remains buried within the obsessive minds of a bunch of snarky bloggers and their cult followers. The motive for the scam must be exposed for all Americans to see. The problem seems to be that those who are not in it only for the money, are in it for the celebrity, and that is a shame our whole nation will eventually bear.