Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hang in There, Gang!

The world is not coming to an end, but my Palin Babygate blog is about to be deleted. This is not being caused by any sort of Palinbot attack or any other nefarious reason. I have wanted to give it up for some time now. The only reason I have kept it going these past weeks is that few of you have seemingly wanted to read my posts unless I put them on PB and you could arrive from The Immoral Minority. As some of you may know, I considered dumping PB months ago and just posting here at NIAFS. There were two simple reasons for this: (a) It takes so much of my time to try to keep two blogs going instead of only one and (b) any use of the words Palin and/or Babygate are consistently blocked from comments at The Huffington Post. The main reason I created PB in the first place, and the only reason I kept it going, has been a concern in mixing the Babygate material in with the rest of my books and writings on other, far less incendiary, subjects at NIAFS. This has not developed into a problem and I do not wish to keep going in circles, repeating the same old theories over and over again, continually beating the subject to death. If something comes up about Babygate that I wish to write about, I shall do so here at NIAFS.

Anyone can read whatever I have to say about the subject in great detail in The Palin Matrix. I am tickled silly that whenever a curious reader puts Bristol Palin into the search engine at Amazon, the first thing that appears is Going Rogue and the second is Paradigm Shift! Bristol's book has simply disappeared temporarily until the publisher has a title or cover ready. Don't worry; it will be back soon! Nobody believed me when I said the house in Maricopa was quite publicly purchased in Bristol's name for political reasons. Few believed me when I went after Arianna as a traitor to progressives, either. I am still The Shaman and I tend to find my own path. I encourage anyone who wishes to continue learning how we got where we are today and where we are going to read Paradigm Shift. The rest can follow the celebrity Pied Pipers over the cliffs of oblivion. Can you handle the truth?