The Top Ten Journalists Who Should Appear on Television Wearing a Chicken Suit for Knowing the Truth about Sarah Palin and Babygate, and Refusing to Publicly Say a Word About It!
10. Jeanne Devon (AK Mudflats)
9. Shannyn Moore (Just a Girl from Homer)
8. Chris Matthews (Hardball)
7. Keith Olbermann (Countdown)
6. Campbell Brown (Campbell Brown)
5. Wolf Blitzer (The Situation Room)
4. Rachel Maddow (The Rachel Maddow Show)
3. Meghan McCain (The Daily Beast)
2. Arianna Huffington (The Huffington Post)
1. Greta Van Susteren (On the Record)
Feel free to vote for your favorites in the poll or add more chickens to the list in the comments!
Very good! For now, I'm going with Meagan McCain - you know she has to know that situation is funky.
I'm with Bree - I think Meaghan has got to know... I don't feel sorry for John McCain at all, but I do feel bad for Meaghan that she must know her dad sold out the country picking Palin. I'm sure there is reason that Meaghan has said there's one topic that she won't talk about, and it's Palin and the campaign...
Very good! For now, I'm going with Meagan McCain - you know she has to know that situation is funky.
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