The exciting new hobbyist/reference book, entitled Ker-Splash 2: The High Performance Powerboat Book, will be available later this month. This is Floyd M. Orr's fifth book and the sequel to Ker-SPLASH! Recreational Power Boaters Guide of 2002. This new release seeks to be the ultimate reading and reference guide for potential buyers of new or used boats, experienced powerboat owners, and recreational readers. Ker-Splash 2 contains 400 pages, over 150,000 words, and 135 B&W photos that span the width within the margins of the 7" x 10" format of the book. ISBN 978-1-449-54337-2. $19.95. Kindle and Smashwords editions are planned for later release, probably in March or April. There will have to be compromises and certain decisions made concerning the number, size, and quality of the photos to be included before the e-book editions can be released.
Ker-Splash 2 is the culmination of an intense year of research, compilation, composition, and editing. The first Ker-Splash is still in print, but the material has become quite dated since its 2002 debut. Both books include corporate contacts for all the major boat builders, but the changes, both large and small, between then and now have been numerous, to say the least! The NASDAQ crash of 2000 and the Dow crash after 9/11 set the stage for all the changes described in Ker-SPLASH! Unfortunately for all of us, Depression 2.0 reset the stage again, making the time ripe for an update on the state of the industry. One of the key purposes of both editions has been to inform both potential buyers and seasoned enthusiasts of the business status, both past and present, of the multitude of boat builders and associated companies.
Ker-Splash 2 attempts to be many different things to different readers. The main focus of the book is on the major types of recreational powerboats other than those designed primarily for fishing or any sort of utilitarian purposes. The fishing and utility types simply could not have been included without doubling the size and cost of the book. You would be shocked to learn just how many fishing boat builders there are in the USA! The major types of non-fishing boats covered are: runabouts, jet boats, jet skis, offshore performance boats, California Customs, speedboats, towboats, cabin cruisers, and deck and pontoon boats. The multitude of engines and outdrives especially designed for the various types of powerboats are described. Family tow sports are detailed in extensive instructions concerning how to teach a beginner to ski, learning to ski, towing technique and tips, and a chapter on water toys. This includes a complete breakdown of the skis, wakeboards and other towables available, tips on selecting them, and descriptions of the retailers that market them. As in the first edition, capsule historical background details of the sport, the boat types, and the brands are sprinkled throughout. Many brands that have been out of business for years are at least briefly described, including the most recent contact information in case a reader is trying to track down a rare part or service. Also as in the first edition, the author entertains his readers with humorous, autobiographical anecdotes and socioeconomic commentary. That's why the book, the series, and this blog are called Nonfiction in a Fictional Style!