Sue Ann Nivens was a very sweet, lovable kitty that we lost recently at the age of five. She is less than a year old in this photo taken at Christmas 2003, playing with a Christmas bow like a happy kitty should. This poor baby had a really rotten break in life for her last couple of years. She had a heart murmur that later developed into kidney failure, and we finally lost her a couple of weeks ago. She had always been a delicate little cat. She was a triplet with her nearly identical brothers, Murray Slaughter and Ted Baxter. She also had two sisters named Georgette Baxter and Rhoda Morgenstern. We adopted the whole litter when they showed up in our neighborhood as strays with ringworm. After doctoring the kittens back to health, we added them to our cat family. We always want to remember Sue Ann just as she looks in this photo, a very happy Christmas kitty.