Lidia17 contacted me right after I posted Hooker Boots on Ice earlier this month and asked me if I would like her to develop a tighter edit of my favorite SP video, the Hike Around Juneau of February 13, 2008. Of course I replied that that would be most excellent! Since I have never been interested enough in digital YouTube video technology to install editing software on my computer and learn how to use it, I am very grateful to be able to present Lidia17's new edit here. She has entitled it Hiking in Juneau with Sarah Palin, and it's a doozy! I still prefer not to embed any video material in my blog just because it slows down the loading of the homepage, so you have to click the link above to see this new edit. For the time being at least, this is the only way to view it, as Lidia17 has it currently set on private at YouTube. Without further blabbering from me, please click the link and be prepared to be impressed. Thank you, Lidia17!