The photo shown is the poster for the upcoming Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta to be held in the first week of October.
The following statement was released to The Immoral Minority early yesterday:
Last notes for now--there is a writer named Floyd Orr and Sarah lives in perpetual fear that people will start paying attention to this guy. She says he's a "bigheaded blowhard" but she is TERRIFIED people will realize his book about her contains a lot of truth.
Needless to say, I was so impressed with this revelation that I added it to the reviews at Amazon for Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix.
What does the first of these things have to do with the second? Many of the Babygators who have been following the fray of this holiday weekend surely have read the brouhaha that began with Sarah meeting with her Palinbots at a restaurant in Iowa Friday night and ended with her appearance at a marathon yesterday. The blogs have been a'buzzin', to say the least! Buried in the middle of it all was this little homage to my little book. The crowd of about 1500 Teabaggers on the balloon field in Iowa this weekend probably got soaked in more ways than one. Most of us can agree on that. However, many of us tend to show our true colors whenever the feuding sororities we call blogs display their mudslinging capabilities among what I call the cults. You may have noticed that most of these true colors are not as pretty as those of the balloons that sail over Albuquerque every October.
I could certainly play an I told you so game at this point. I could explain how I have consistently been trying to move our cause progressively forward, instead of rabble-rousing the angry cult members of Cult #1 against those of Cult #2. I could remind you how much flak I originally received for trying to tell you It's the media, stupid! I could remind you how early on I could see the blog wars coming from a mile away. I could remind you that I said Palin was not about to go away just after she lost the 2008 election. I could tell you a lot of things, but I won't. I could tell you all about Fred, but I won't. You see, I have never supported the concept of the separate blog cults. I think the whole idea is selfish and stupid and it allows The Wolf Pack to continue winning.
How many of you remember who John Sununu was and his role in President Bush's Presidency? I'm talking about the tall grandpa, not the one you all love to hate. Sununu was carrying out his dirty tricks in The White House when I began writing Paradigm Shift. He was Papa Bush's Turd Blossom. The book was never meant to be a competitor to any blog or book. It was conceived as my personal story of many parallels, from the origins of American slavery to the bursting of the housing bubble. Palin just added to the fray and kept the disastrous story going much longer than any of us could have imagined. The actual inspirations for Paradigm Shift were Thomas Frank's What's the Matter with Kansas?, Paul Krugman's The Great Unraveling, Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation, and Kevin Phillips' American Theocracy. Yes, of course I know these were all published long after Paradigm Shift was begun in 1990, but I could so clearly see how each of these writers was a man of my own heart. I knew as I read each of these books, that the completion of my future book would easily fit on the same shelf. I have read many similar books over the past decade, but these have seemed to me to be the ringleaders of significance. My goal for Paradigm Shift has always been to complement the work of these intelligent writers. I find the competitive, dog eat dog, blog cult nonsense to be just that. I am looking for readers who are ready to think progressively and take their country forward to the new realm where it so desperately needs to go.
The purpose of The Palin Matrix has been to show as many American voters as possible the real Sarah Palin. To do that, people have to discover and read the book. They have to tell their neighbors about it. They have to use it as their reference to the blogs. It was not compiled to supplant the blogs, but to encourage more people to read them to learn the full story of Sarah Palin. I have stated repeatedly that no book is going to stop Sarah Palin. It is way past time for the blog cults to see the forest for the trees, to see that the media is not waiting for that one last tidbit of proof. The media is not waiting for anything but for us to give up and shut up. They have been as complicit as you can imagine in this cover-up from the very beginning. Do you really think that some snippet of evidential proof is going to mysteriously appear in a book, and then the MSM is suddenly going to say, Now that is what we have been waiting for!? Would you like to buy a bridge to nowhere? I have one for sale really cheap. Get your red-hot evidence right here, folks! We're offering an extra special today for the person who can analyze this photo the longest.
I have been waiting eight months to learn that Sarah Palin personally hates my guts. Don't ask me exactly why she does, because I do not know. The point of Paradigm Shift was to include all the theories that could make Sarah nervous. I am like Columbo waltzing slowly around a suspect. I know what she did, and she knows what she did; I just have to make her lose her cool enough to let the truth slip out of her normally untruthful lips. Don't keep sitting at your computer firing off snarky missiles to the cult members across the balloon field. Order your own copy of Paradigm Shift and find out for yourself what has Sarah in such a snit.