Why would I want to read Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix? Maybe I like being naive about the world around me. Maybe I don't want to be the wise owl. Some cat just told me that I need to read Floyd M. Orr's controversial new magnum opus about the fall of the American Empire and how Sarah Palin was the bendy straw that finally broke the democratic process. Paradigm Shift is now available to order directly from the publisher at get Paradigm Shift, Amazon, Kindle, and other e-book formats from Smashwords. Hoot! Hoot!
The e-book variants marketed by Smashwords are available now, but it will probably be several weeks before B&N and other retailers have their e-book variants available. (Smashwords is the direct distributor of several e-book formats to a number of retail outlets other than Amazon.)
Sorry i'm confused now.
Yes, Aview999, it works when the PB one will not go through the moderation. Most of the readers will click SP"s face after they arrive here and go on to PB, anyway.
Oh I see! Thanks ... I'll spread this link around! Best wishes with this book Floyd! I love the way it's come out on Jan 1st! You must have PLANNED that eh? Good work!
Yippee! It went up on the Email thread...off to do others now.
I just shit in a plastic bag/
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