The stroke of midnight has just passed, and America by Heart has just hit #19 at Amazon, but this post is not about that book. This is about the book I began in 1990 that has passed through several titles and permutations on its long journey to publication. Although the book began twenty years ago on the subject of the economic collapse of the American Empire, someone from Wasilla crashed the party back in '08 and none of us has been the same since. You might have guessed that I was all set to write a Halloween post on 10/31/10 and follow it with a final post after the midterm elections, before pausing for a while to get the book finished. You also may have supposed that I got so totally fed up with the wimpy Democrats and the relentless media promotion of Palin and her brats that I threw in the towel a few days earlier than expected. You would be correct on both counts.
A few of you may even have noticed that I added all the posts from Palin Babygate to my NIAFS blog, too. That was an experiment to find out if I could collapse PB into my regular NIAFS blog and take all the wonderful comments the PB readers have made through Disqus with me. That project didn't fly: the posts went, but the comments did not. I was experimenting with that concept for three reasons. (1) I have enough time problems juggling both the new book project and my blogs. (2) I thought maybe if I dumped the PB name, I could get more posts plugged at The Huffington Post. (3) Babygate will be covered in the book, so it will soon become just another of the subjects of my publications. Right now I have no specific plans to continue blogging at PB or not, but I shall clearly have no time for it until the book is complete.
The book is planned for release as early as possible after the Christmas season and New Years are over. There was no way I could have possibly have readied it for a Christmas release, so I want it to come out as soon as the whole holiday period has passed. I am keeping the title and other details to myself until the project nears completion. At its longest, the manuscript comprised well over 250,000 words, which translates to approximately 800 pages. I am near the end of the editing process and I expect the final page count to be about 600, at the least. I am shooting for a published release date as soon after 1/1/11 as possible. Whatever the final release date, the book should be available from Amazon a week or two later, followed by the Kindle version in probably no more than two more months, and then a Smashwords (Nook) version will be offered at some point after that, probably no later than April 1.
As I have stated repeatedly on this blog, I am not a journalist. Although Babygate has been given a complete chapter in the book and many of Sarah's shenanigans another chapter, there is no silver bullet that is going to stop the political madness. As with all my writing, this book will be a complete psychoanalysis of a nation that has lost its mind, and that will be the central focus of the book. However, most of the Babygate material from this blog has been included in the book, albeit rearranged and edited, and some passages have been re-written. I look forward to sharing my twenty-year project with all my Palin Babygate readers. You will not be disappointed!