For a limited time only, the legendary author, blogger, and commentator Floyd M. Orr will be available for speaking engagements at the low introductory price of $15.00 - $30.00 (plus travel expenses, of course) at your special event! The controversial commentator has just been signed to a one-year-only contract, so act now!
Floyd M. Orr is available to speak for approximately one hour on any one of many subjects. These include Sports and Muscle Cars of the Sixties, High Performance Powerboats, American Pop Culture and Nostalgia, and of course, Feminine Sexuality & The Class System. Mr. Orr has been married only once (to a heterosexual woman) and he has no secret babies on the loose anywhere (that we know of). He is a Certified Abstinence Specialist, and he writes his own books, blogs, and articles. He has impeccable credentials as a graduate of only one university, also too.
We always offer suggestions for speaking topics to our customers. Floyd M. Orr is nothing if not opinionated. He has never approved of teenage drinking or drug use: these activities should be reserved only for individuals over 21. Home vandalism and destruction of private property are always frowned upon. All babies should be raised with complete and accurate knowledge of the identities of their parents.
For booking information, please contact Fester & Karbunkle's Real American Speakers' Agency.