Monday, September 26, 2011
R.I.P. Babygate
The date on this tombstone should state September 22, 2011. That fateful Thursday morning is the time we shall all look back upon as the last gasp of hope that the insidious Babygate scam fell into its final depth of oblivion. Let us travel back into our recent memories to see how this tragedy unfolded.
The small resistance to the powerful forces of the Republican Party and the mainstream media can be divided into two entities, bloggers and authors. For simplicity's sake, let's put You Betcha! and the upcoming Game Change movie into the book department. The U.S. release of the Broomfield film opens this Friday, but Game Change will not premiere on HBO until some yet unspecified date later this year or in early 2012. In either case, neither film is likely to concern the real monster issue hiding in the closet, Babygate. This leaves the books. As anyone who has been reading the blogs with an open mind can see that most of them have seen to it that my own book, Paradigm Shift, has been summarily denigrated and marginalized. Since it is the only book in which all the blogs, all the Babygate theories, and all the more nefarious activities of the media have been discussed, a thinking person would ask herself exactly why this book has not been promoted all over the anti-Palin faction of the Internet? The next book released, in chronological order, was Geoffrey Dunn's The Lies of Sarah Palin. Although Dunn's book is very academically and professionally written, Dunn clearly took the chicken way out in his compilation of material that included everything but Babygate. There is practically nothing in Dunn's book that has not been covered in the mainstream media. Yes, he may have fleshed out a few issues, but the fact remains. The controversial Blind Allegiance brought us a little closer to the Babygate truth, particularly when you consider the previously unreleased photos of Ruffles included in the book. We have just last week experienced the long-awaited release of Levi's Deer in the Headlights and McG's The Rogue. Considering all of Levi's past interviews and the fact that the Palin-controlled Alaska penal system still has his mom under house arrest, we should never even have hoped that Levi Johnston would unravel the truth of Babygate in his book.
This leaves us with Joe McGinniss and his ultra-controversial tale of the real Sarah Palin. Let me say first of all that I have not read the book because my copy is still in the mail. The day it arrives, it shall receive the same treatment that Dunn's book did, an immediate, complete and delicious devouring of its contents. I want to make it clear right here that I think every person who is interested in the subject at hand should read all of these named books, with the exception of Levi's, which deserves only an optional reading category. The others should leave you breathless and informed to the max! Although each author is speaking to you about the same subject, the viewpoint and concept of each book is totally different. As a totally unknown, yet somewhat experienced, author, I wanted to present all the controversial hoopla in Paradigm Shift. My book presents the big picture from a socioeconomic and historical perspective. Whatever is theory or speculation is presented as such. Joe McGinniss is the only known potential Babygate author who has been writing longer than I have or published more books. His perspective is more professional, journalistic, and commercial. He is an investigative journalist; I am an entertainer. Like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, he smears investigative journalism on tabloid entertainment and I coat my serious, personal message to all Americans with hyperbole and nostalgia.
My disappointment with Blind Allegiance concerns its amateurish use of language and editing, its repetitive proselytizing to an Evangelical audience, and a story that begins with a fascinating look inside a localized campaign, but ends in a slow ride to redemption. My disappointment with The Lies of Sarah Palin is that I was already familiar with practically every one of them, not because I spend most days completely at my computer, but just from watching cable news during prime time. The author could have at least dug up one new source or one new anecdote about Sarah Palin that had not already been covered on television or the blogs.
I have no such apprehension about the material contained in The Rogue. It has already been made clear from leaking news stories and interviews with McGinniss that more than a few new sources or anecdotes are included in the book. This brings us to the legendary, agnostic Chapter 19 of the book. No, I do not expect Joe to split open the blog theories like a moose hanging in a slaughterhouse, as I did in The Palin Matrix, but I do know that The Rogue takes the delicate plunge into Babaygate that should have been taken by Dunn, Bailey, and Levi. This fact alone should bring a badge of honor to Joe McGinniss for a duty to his country clearly shirked by the other three authors.
The Rogue was released 9/20/11, a few days after The National Enquirer published a few juicy elements of gossipy details covered in the book. The mainstream media outlets had already had months to prepare their attack on the book the moment it was released. The Enquirer simply provided the first clip of ammo. The mainstream media has been the Number One most insidious, treasonous benefactor and enabler of The Palin Phenomenon since early 2008. This is the same time at which the Babygate hoax was hatched. As noted in Paradigm Shift, the AKM Mudflats blog was launched exactly one week after The Traveling Baby story, as detailed in the book, occurred on 5/3/08, the same day the infamous secret photo of Ruffles was taken in the Palin kitchen. What was the first blog most of you discovered after you cringed from the insidious RNC speech in September 2008? What incredibly successful news site likely led you to that same blog in the first place? Is the whiff of opportunism not obvious to your nose? I have been beating this dead elephant for three years now! Imagine a football game in which every time a certain team gets near the goal line, a fumble, an interception, or some other grievous mistake gives the ball to an opposing team member who runs as fast as he can toward the opposite goal post. You cannot blame the opposing team for trying their best to win. The ball was not illegally taken from the first team. The first team fumbled.
Fumbling has been my soapbox for a long time now. You can compare me to Jim Garrison or Ralph Nader. Either one is probably appropriate. Just because I think President Obama should never have appointed Tim Geithner, does not mean that I am against Obama. The same applies to the other bloggers. I call the plays as I see them, and I have been witness to fumble after fumble after fumble. The fumble that happened last Thursday morning was the last bendy straw for me. Joy Behar began an interview with Joe McGinniss at 9:32 p.m. Wednesday night that I have been waiting three long years to see. Joy asked Joe about the Babygate issue and he explained his knowledge of and position on the controversial topic. Of course that is not to say that Behar did not act like the usual CNN/HLN celebrity jackass when Joe diligently did his best to answer the question. As I spelled out in a humorous manner in my story entitled The Blockade long before any of us ever heard of Dr. Brad Scharlott's Spiral of Silence, Behar did her best to appease her corporate masters using her best argumentative approach. The point is that Babygate was finally, openly discussed on a cable news channel! Of course a few million TV viewers, several times the audience size of The Joy Behar Show, saw her and the rest of the hen house cackling over Joe McGinniss earlier that same day on The View, setting the stage quite appropriately for the Behar interview about eleven hours later.
Here we had Babygate not only being at least mentioned on network television before a very large daytime audience, but we had the subject covered in more detail, albeit to a smaller audience, that same day! We have the ball on the five yard line and we are finally ready to score! First the officials have a flag on the field. The last play was not properly videotaped for later play to an online audience. Of course I am sure it was taped, but that tape somehow disappeared with The Moon is Blue on one of the more original M*A*S*H episodes. Hawkeye and BJ were anxiously waiting to hear the controversial word virgin spoken in a movie and we have been anxious to hear a certain mysterious pregnancy discussed on television. If you were in the right place at the right time, you have seen the long awaited, and now hidden, video clip. For those who have missed it, here is the link to the official CNN transcript. I am presenting the key section of this transcript below, but you had to see the complete thing, facial expressions, and celebrity interviewer butt-ins and all, to get the full effect.
BEHAR: Now, the one big allegation in the book that I think is a problem is that the rumor that Trig was not her baby, this Down syndrome child, that you and Andrew Sullivan are putting this out there, right?
MCGINNISS: No. No. No. All Andrew`s been doing for two years is asking why the mainstream media has not looked at the story she has told about the events leading up to her birth, the hours before Trig`s birth ...
BEHAR: What`s the implication?
MCGINNISS: Because the story -- because if that story, which really defies belief, if you look at it step by step by step, if that story isn`t true, why would she make it up? Why would she be telling it and why would she be claiming that this was happening?
BEHAR: Why would she? Why would she?
MCGINNISS: I have no idea.
BEHAR: OK, let me tell you what her son-in-law said.
BEHAR: He was just here and I asked him that question. And he said, she was in the hospital, he was in the hospital, he went to visit her when she gave birth to Trig. She was on IV and the baby was there in the hospital. He was there ...
MCGINNISS: He got there -- he didn`t witness the birth.
BEHAR: Oh, no. How many people witness a birth?
MCGINNISS: I witnessed the birth of all five of my children.
BEHAR: Yeah, but that`s your children. He was not the father of the child. He was just a guy who slept with her daughter.
MCGINNISS: The point is she was in Dallas, Texas. Her water breaks. She waits nine hours, she doesn`t go to a hospital in Dallas, Texas. She`s a high risk mother ...
BEHAR: Yeah.
MCGINNISS: having a high risk pregnancy, having a special needs child, she`s thousands of miles away from home, she doesn`t do anything once her water breaks and she goes -- starts having contractions, what does she do? She`s having contractions, she makes a speech.
BEHAR: But how do you know she`s having contractions?
MCGINNISS: She makes up political speech.
BEHAR: How do you know?
MCGINNISS: She said so.
BEHAR: So, then you`re saying that she then got on a plane, went to Seattle and gave another speech or something, or -- right?
MCGINNISS: She waited -- she flew for hours, she stopped, she changed planes, she waited for hours, she flew more hours, all the while getting closer and closer to birth bypassing major medical facilities with neonatal intensive care units to get to a tiny little backwoods hospital in Wasilla ...
MCGINNISS: ... where all of a sudden the next day here is this baby, and here is Sarah and this is her story.
BEHAR: This is kind of a bombshell allegation or theory or rumor whatever you want to call it.
MCGINNISS: It is not -- Listen, I don`t want to call it an allegation, I don`t make an allegation.
BEHAR: Yeah.
MCGINNISS: I say that the mainstream media has been very derelict in its duty to inquire into this, because this is a woman whose political candidacy was based on her proving that she`s a right to lifer. And how does she prove it? She proved it by giving birth to a Down syndrome baby yet there are a whole series of unanswered questions surrounding the circumstances of that birth.
BEHAR: Well, that -- why don`t you investigate this?
MCGINNISS: And I`m only one person ...
BEHAR: You`re an investigative reporter, go investigate more.
MCGINNISS: I`ve been up there -- You know what, I have to write a book. I wrote the book. Now, the media can pick up from where my book takes them. I take you right to a point where I say, I don`t know what happened. Here`s what I do know. Here are the facts, now, let somebody else investigate.
Not only was this video clip never made available online, but several other key issues in this story transpired first thing Thursday morning after McG's interview with Behar. Most of Thursday morning's activity revolved around a logical, legitimate e-mail message sent by Joe McGinniss to Jesse Griffin on January 27, 2011. Of course I cannot prove this, and it is totally my own best guess, but I bet that this same message was sent to Jeanne Devon and/or Ken Morris. Why is that, you ask? Joe was clearly working at that time with Devon, if not Morris directly, on the research for The Rogue. Devon and Morris would not discover that McGinniss allegedly leaked the pre-release manuscript of Blind Allegiance until several weeks later. Stated clearly, there is every logical reason to think that Joe sent the message to Gryphen and either sent the message directly to Devon and/or Morris at the same time or forwarded the same message later or Gryphen forwarded the message to Devon. I doubt that Morris was involved in this e-mail exchange, since he was and has been throughout this whole fiasco, outside Alaska. Below is Gryphen's statement about this message, as posted on his own blog.
"No I was NOT hacked. In fact nobody was hacked.
I cannot go into details, but the e-mail leak did not happen on my end. If it had, I would tell you.
It also should be noted that the e-mail that Joe and I communicated on is NOT my... account.
E-mails I receive are private, and remain private.
(I have deleted the e-mail address included in the note.) This note was meant for the popular Anon 238 Me Again commenter at The Immoral Minority. To my eyes, these words look a mite testy and defensive. My contention is that the particular e-mail message in question was never hacked or leaked to Andrew Breitbart by Jesse Griffin in any manner whatsoever, but the message was sent, by someone other than Gryphen, to Arianna Huffington, one of her minions at The Huffington Post, or some other unscrupulous contact who then sent it to Breitbart. My contention is that Gryphen knew within moments, or at most, hours, of the Breitbart story's release exactly who originated the leak. I am also contending that he was too busy pulling his hair out over how he was going to handle this knowledge and his situation within it that he was distracted at a crucial moment in the potential distribution of the legendary Babygate news story. He fumbled the ball at the critical moment, and by the time he noticed Babygate disappearing into the stinky MSM ether, it was too late. As I stated earlier, I am not trying to assess blame. My position is that of the behind the scenes observer of The Big Picture. Just as with the Babygate story itself, if the circumstantial evidence of this sloppy ball handling was not so obvious, I would never risk making every Babygator and flying piglet come after me to shoot the messenger!
What do you all think? I would hope by now that the readers of this blog or Paradigm Shift, or even some of my comments on other blogs have realized that I am on your side of the goal post. I want to save the sanity of my country. I want someone to successfully score the desperately needed touchdown. I am on everyone's side and no one's, also too. The big story IS the media and we must put the big story IN the media. Joe McGinniss has already done his part at a higher level than anyone else. It is up to his teammates to help him take the ball between the goal posts. We are not facing just another upcoming election. This one could be the paradigm shift.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Best Kept Secret
There are several appropriate meanings that can be attributed to this title. One is that the secret will not be revealed today, no matter how many of us wish it otherwise. You may recognize this cat face as the logo on the back of a book. His name is Murray Slaughter, but we call him The Face because he looks just like Morris on a B&W TV. Murray rarely says anything. He is a very quiet kitty who minds his own business among our nine cats. Mum has always been the word with Murray.
Another meaning for this phrase applies to the many things that are about to happen on our television sets. Most of these things will offer little more than entertainment mixed with frustration. There are many powerful people out there in Cableland who want to make certain that the secret stays confined to only a tiny faction of the citizenry. There will be endless discussions of little consequence, while the only matter that really matters will be left ensconced in the silence. Lots of money will be made and many voices will be screaming for constant attention, but the secret will remain buried deeply in a sound of silence.
There is yet a third meaning for this phrase, one that I have mentioned often, no matter how few have listened. The sound of silence goes all the way to the top, or the bottom, depending on the way you choose to look at it. I think the more accurate secret is that it goes to the bottom of the media barrel. Although I began ranting that it began at the top a couple of years ago, most of you ignored my attempts to open your eyes. Lately however, I think most of you have come around to the strong possibility that the ominous source really is at the top. Now it is time for you to realize how deeply the secret is embedded at the lowest level.
A movie premiered recently, but it will not explain the secret. Two books have been released today that will also not explain the secret. You all are anxiously awaiting the release of a book that I also doubt will explain the secret, although it is likely to detail the low hanging fruit of the subject. You are all expecting a lot more from that book than you are going to see, particularly from a distribution and sales standpoint. Of course there will be a rabid level of preaching to the choir and every opportunity to utilize phrases such as investigative journalism, in-depth research, and proven facts will be displayed. That is not to say that that book will reveal much of anything we don't already know, and few who do not already know will actually give a rat's ass. The problem with that publication will be that it will only give you what you want, not what you need. You will revel in reading the very story you are so absolutely sure that you already know, but few outside the cults will care. Why will they not care? Simply because Cableland does not want them to care, and Cableland is God in this land of relentless greed, celebrity, and instant gratification. Cableland actually cares a lot about only one thing, that the masses of viewers and voters never learn the truth of Babygate.
There is only one book that tells you the whole truth, and it is yet another version of the best kept secret. This book was written not only for you Babygators, but for any and all Americans who are ready to open their eyes to the breadth of the madness. Do you want to slap-fight over the tacky details of bad behavior in a celebrity's past, or do you want to learn how our country got into this mess and how we can get out of it? Have you not yet figured out for yourself that even the lowest of the power-bloggers in this arena do not want you to read the information contained in this book? Cableland is not waiting for us to do their jobs for them for free. Cableland is waiting for us to give up and go away so the most important truth of all remains buried within the obsessive minds of a bunch of snarky bloggers and their cult followers. The motive for the scam must be exposed for all Americans to see. The problem seems to be that those who are not in it only for the money, are in it for the celebrity, and that is a shame our whole nation will eventually bear.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Ice Towers
This is not a story about The Twin Towers of 9/11. This is the story of an Ice Queen who sought to bring down the twin peaks of rational government with a separation of church and state and a democracy empowered by its gigantic middle class. Out of a relentless drive for power, fame, and money, the Ice Queen showed us her true colors of icy green greed and flaming pink egotistical mania when she rushed to the mall to meet Ivana Trump in a time that seems so long ago.
Tonight the eight morons of the right will seek to debate each other while Wolf Blitzer slings his softballs. Yes, that's the same Blitzer who I respect considerably less than Bill O'Reilly. At least Billo has a bit of guts and integrity. Blitzer has none. He is only a shill for the Republican Party acting as if he is fair and balanced. I am continually amazed at how consistently Fox News gets blamed for everything, including stuff it has not done, such as being the leading supporter of the Tea Party from the very beginning. That, people, has been CNN, the network that is paying for this last debate of eight liars and obfuscaters of the truth. I say last because I predict that Fox will finally dump a few of the more ridiculous candidates for the debate Fox is sponsoring in the same state of Florida in only ten days. If nothing else, Fox will do so to distinguish its debate from the one tonight sponsored by its competitor. Look for the next debate on September 22 to allow more time to each of the candidates who have an ice sculpture's chance in hell of surviving the primary!
As for the Ice Queen, you can expect the silly, selfish blog wars to continue indefinitely. There will not be anything new of consequence released. I have continually explained this to my few readers since the beginning three years ago. There is a forest out there, and then there are a bunch of trees. You can see the images through the ice if you look carefully. The clues have been there since the beginning. Nothing has changed and nothing will change. The best thing you can do for yourself and your country is to look beyond the obvious. Quit staring at the details and envision The Big Picture.
There is only one book that is going to explain Babygate to the voters and I am not going to plug it or link to it in this post. You already know what it is, and it is not being released later this month. Just like the movie that premiered last night, the upcoming books will do a nice song and dance and say That's all, folks! like the end of a Looney Tune. You have the usual choice at that point. You can put the book on the shelf or walk out of the theater unsatisfied. When you get home to your television set, the same eight morons will be standing there, one of only two of whom has any chance of meeting The President in the general election.
There are hugely powerful forces who want to see that the Ice Queen slowly melts into oblivion without ever exposing their own complicity in the damage she has so obviously done to the sanity of our democratic process. These forces go from the tip of the power brokers of politics and the media down to some of the more influential bloggers. You can easily surmise exactly who these bloggers are because they are the ones at war with each other. The louder the war cries, the more evidently they have a hidden personal agenda.
I don't want to see the ice slowly melt into oblivion. I want to see it explode all over our television sets in an endless repetition of the same meme. The well-intentioned Christian voters of America have been duped! They were deliberately tricked by the spells cast by a witch from far beyond the realm of the Bible they so avidly read. Christ had nothing to do with it. The core values of Christianity had nothing to do with it. An insidiously secret group of right-wing power brokers planned it long ago. It began with the beginning, just as in that book I shall not mention. This nightmare began when the first slaves were brought kicking and screaming from their shackles in the hold of the first slave ship. When the slaves were truly freed from the restrictions of the Jim Crow laws and the Separate But Equal stance of George Wallace, the nation was living in its economic heyday. That glorious decade of freedom and progressive thought would soon be compromised by the rise of The Religious Right. Yes, we all know the moral of the story. When the revolution comes, it will be led by a cross and a flag, and yes, it will be televised! CNN has been doing its best to televise it already. The network loves the Tea Party so much that they are sponsoring a debate together tonight. Be sure to watch it.
The Ice Queen will not be present in the debate, and probably not in any other national debate, either. She is just plain chicken. As a voter, no matter how much you disagree with my political views, I sincerely hope that you feel as I do and would never vote for a coward. If Michael Moore was running with Stephanie Miller as his VP, just to name two of my favorite political voices, I would not support him if he was too chicken to face his opponents. How effectively could he defend our country from aggressive international leaders if he cannot face a fellow American on a debate stage?
I am not a Texan first. I am an American first, and that has always been my guiding force, both culturally and politically. I do not want to just halt Sarah Palin's national political career. I want my country back. I do not want to go back to the consistently repressive Fifties. I want to go back to the essence of The Sixties, that wonderful part of our culture that was at that magical time progressing forward in so many ways. I want our nation to pick up where it left off just before the power brokers learned how to brainwash our citizenry for profit and political gain. I want America to raise its hand once again as the world leader, this time in human rights, protection of the environment, and as the voice of the future of the world. It is time for the Ice Queen to explode instead of melt. If you wish to be well informed of the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you will just have to read the book.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Above the Fray
The photo shown is the poster for the upcoming Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta to be held in the first week of October.
The following statement was released to The Immoral Minority early yesterday:
Last notes for now--there is a writer named Floyd Orr and Sarah lives in perpetual fear that people will start paying attention to this guy. She says he's a "bigheaded blowhard" but she is TERRIFIED people will realize his book about her contains a lot of truth.
Needless to say, I was so impressed with this revelation that I added it to the reviews at Amazon for Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix.
What does the first of these things have to do with the second? Many of the Babygators who have been following the fray of this holiday weekend surely have read the brouhaha that began with Sarah meeting with her Palinbots at a restaurant in Iowa Friday night and ended with her appearance at a marathon yesterday. The blogs have been a'buzzin', to say the least! Buried in the middle of it all was this little homage to my little book. The crowd of about 1500 Teabaggers on the balloon field in Iowa this weekend probably got soaked in more ways than one. Most of us can agree on that. However, many of us tend to show our true colors whenever the feuding sororities we call blogs display their mudslinging capabilities among what I call the cults. You may have noticed that most of these true colors are not as pretty as those of the balloons that sail over Albuquerque every October.
I could certainly play an I told you so game at this point. I could explain how I have consistently been trying to move our cause progressively forward, instead of rabble-rousing the angry cult members of Cult #1 against those of Cult #2. I could remind you how much flak I originally received for trying to tell you It's the media, stupid! I could remind you how early on I could see the blog wars coming from a mile away. I could remind you that I said Palin was not about to go away just after she lost the 2008 election. I could tell you a lot of things, but I won't. I could tell you all about Fred, but I won't. You see, I have never supported the concept of the separate blog cults. I think the whole idea is selfish and stupid and it allows The Wolf Pack to continue winning.
How many of you remember who John Sununu was and his role in President Bush's Presidency? I'm talking about the tall grandpa, not the one you all love to hate. Sununu was carrying out his dirty tricks in The White House when I began writing Paradigm Shift. He was Papa Bush's Turd Blossom. The book was never meant to be a competitor to any blog or book. It was conceived as my personal story of many parallels, from the origins of American slavery to the bursting of the housing bubble. Palin just added to the fray and kept the disastrous story going much longer than any of us could have imagined. The actual inspirations for Paradigm Shift were Thomas Frank's What's the Matter with Kansas?, Paul Krugman's The Great Unraveling, Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation, and Kevin Phillips' American Theocracy. Yes, of course I know these were all published long after Paradigm Shift was begun in 1990, but I could so clearly see how each of these writers was a man of my own heart. I knew as I read each of these books, that the completion of my future book would easily fit on the same shelf. I have read many similar books over the past decade, but these have seemed to me to be the ringleaders of significance. My goal for Paradigm Shift has always been to complement the work of these intelligent writers. I find the competitive, dog eat dog, blog cult nonsense to be just that. I am looking for readers who are ready to think progressively and take their country forward to the new realm where it so desperately needs to go.
The purpose of The Palin Matrix has been to show as many American voters as possible the real Sarah Palin. To do that, people have to discover and read the book. They have to tell their neighbors about it. They have to use it as their reference to the blogs. It was not compiled to supplant the blogs, but to encourage more people to read them to learn the full story of Sarah Palin. I have stated repeatedly that no book is going to stop Sarah Palin. It is way past time for the blog cults to see the forest for the trees, to see that the media is not waiting for that one last tidbit of proof. The media is not waiting for anything but for us to give up and shut up. They have been as complicit as you can imagine in this cover-up from the very beginning. Do you really think that some snippet of evidential proof is going to mysteriously appear in a book, and then the MSM is suddenly going to say, Now that is what we have been waiting for!? Would you like to buy a bridge to nowhere? I have one for sale really cheap. Get your red-hot evidence right here, folks! We're offering an extra special today for the person who can analyze this photo the longest.
I have been waiting eight months to learn that Sarah Palin personally hates my guts. Don't ask me exactly why she does, because I do not know. The point of Paradigm Shift was to include all the theories that could make Sarah nervous. I am like Columbo waltzing slowly around a suspect. I know what she did, and she knows what she did; I just have to make her lose her cool enough to let the truth slip out of her normally untruthful lips. Don't keep sitting at your computer firing off snarky missiles to the cult members across the balloon field. Order your own copy of Paradigm Shift and find out for yourself what has Sarah in such a snit.
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